Caroline’s Fall

by Adamus

A room… dark… scarce streetlight pouring in through thin curtains… a large bed… a cabinet… a closet… Ahmed Jamal Hadd, Silsila of clan Assamite, stands motionless in a bedroom of an uptown mansion. He is unseen, unheard, invisible to all save the most powerful supernaturals in existence. Muscles trained through centuries keep his body motionless, a statue of undead flesh and bone. He knows such precautions are hardly necessary when employing the forces of Obfuscate, but Ahmed is not one to take chances in these cases. Thoroughness is his trademark, perfectionism his nature.

He waits with patience born from age. Senses enhanced beyond the capacity of even the keenest animals observe the Assamite’s surroundings, paying intricate attention to minute detail. A floorboard two floors down squeeks as a ghouled servant walks over it. A dying flame whispers softly as someone’s breath caresses it. A heart beats in a woman’s bossom as she sleeps, seperated from Ahmed by nine walls and a ceiling. Nothing escapes his attention… Minutes stretch into hours, the moon crosses the span of the star-filled sky.

The bedroom door opens, a woman enters. Her beauty rivals that of modern day’s most celebrated icons, her prowess would embarass many an adversary, her influence carries beyond the borders of nations. She is Caroline Montague Tehleino. She is the target. Ahmed remains in his position, invisible in a corner of the dark room, Caroline oblivious to the assassin’s presence. The killer watches his target move about, closing the thick black curtains shut, undressing, slipping under the covers of her large, colonial-style bed.

Daybreak approaches, and the beings of the night lay themselves to rest. Ahmed feels the stirring of sleep in his undead body, but by pure force of will he stays awake. Alert. Ready. He waits as the daily sleep of vampires claims Caroline. When day is well into its second hour, and his target has not stirred since, Ahmed moves. His blood, powered through age, burns in his body, activating his Disciplines, allowing him to move with a speed and accuracy unattainable by most.

A wooden stake, one foot long, finds its way into Caroline’s heart as the assassin forces it into her chest. Her eyes open wide as he strikes down, but her body fails to obey her commands, rendered inert by the mystical force of the stake. Flawlessly Ahmed incapacitates his target. No sound escaped the room, no sensors are alerted. The house is quiet. The Assamite does not allow himself to smile as he looks down upon the still form of Caroline Tehleino. His work is not yet complete.

Accessing the powers of the blood available only to members of his reclusive clan, Ahmed wills his vitae to come to the surface of his skin, to the palm of his left hand. He clenches his hand into a fist, opening Caroline’s mouth with the fingers of his right hand. His blood drips from his fist onto Caroline’s mouth, and her eyes grow yet wider, a look of horror visible. The assassin’s blood does its work, stripping Caroline of her vitae, destroying her from the inside. Within moments, it is over. Caroline’s eyes close, her body grows limp. Ahmed removes the stake and steps back, observing Caroline’s body… she remains still. Torpored. Her body no longer capable of supporting her undead nature, yet that very undead nature allowing her to exist yet. Ahmed knows a great deal of time will pass before this Tehleino can pull herself from the artificial death Ahmed has inflicted upon her. The Assamite Silsila smiles and steps back into invisibility, leaving the mansion as he came, unseen, unheard, invisible…

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Vampire Advice Column

by DoxWire

Some have pondered…. why don’t vampires have advice columns (Ok.. no one has EVER pondered this.. fine.. but just work with me people.. OK?!?)

Here are examples of why vampires do not have advice columns.


Dear Wesley:
Help! I have not been embraced long, but I am what they call a Thin-blood.. and.. I think I got my girlfriend pregnant, after my embrace.. what do I do? Help me please..

Dear Hardy:
The problem with Balloon animals is that they make that squeaky noise and that gets so annoying, Plus you forget they are ballons and try to get some blood from them if you’re starving and they POP right on your fangs


Dear Nossie:
My night companion is leaning towards prettier girls, Should I use Obfuscate or Vicissitude to improve my looks for her?

Dear Undead:


Dear Haqmed:
I think someone wants me dead, what should I do?
Paranoid Prince

Dear Paranoid:


Dear Raoul:
I think the prince is planning to declare a bloodhunt on me. What should I do?
Knee shaking neonate

Dear Neonate:
I have better things to do with my time than listen to you. I suggest you turn yourself in to me. NOW ::Dominate::


Dear Talik:
I’m having trouble with a kid on this AOL message board.. what should I do?
Online and Upset

Dear Online:
Find out where he lives and kick some ASS


Dear Reaper of Flesh:
My boyfriend left me for another woman.. what should I do?
Alone and Angry

Dear Alone:
Rearrange his face.


Dear Maxwell:
My Sire is very overprotective. How can I show him that I am able to fend for myself?
Concerned Childe

Dear Childe:
You must slay him! only then can you truly be independent!!!!


Dear Dante:
I am finding myself more and more unsatisfied with my women. What should I do?

Dear Can’t:
Ever fuck a corpse? ooooooh yeah…. mmmpf


Dear Basil:
I want to be a painter. How should I pursue it?
Brushes of Brimstone

Dear.. Brimstone:
Your work is shallow and lacks real focus. You don’t have enough emotion in the painting.. next time, try candles instead of jumper cables.


Dear Mateo:
I think my lover is really a man.. what should I do?
Scared in the Sheets

Dear Scared:


Dear Rameses the Fowl Headed:
I am trying to figure out where I stand in life… what should I do?
Unsure undead

Dear Unsure:
The path of typhon is the only way ::cluck cluck:: When Set Rises again…. you will know. for all shall bow to him!!! MWA HA HA!!!!!!!!

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A N T I T R I B U B O O K: Ventrue – Part 2


Blank pages: I’ve stuck to Clanbook conventions when writing this, and one such convention is that every chapter begins on an odd-numbered page, with an art page facing it. However, there is no art in this book, due to both lack of artistic ability on my part, and lack of knowledge of PhotoShop. Accordingly, those pages which would be pure art pages in a Clanbook are blank here.

Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Presence. This isn’t what any "official" write-up gives the Ventrue antitribu, but I feel it makes more sense, and so it’s what I use. This book can be used with either "official" Discipline combination; just ignore the Flaw "Throwback."

Paths and Virtues: Again, my Sabbat is rather different from the official one, and I don’t have enough of a feel for the Path of the Feral Heart to know how the Ventrueantitribu would think of it. However, the different Paths and Virtues should be fairly easy to translate into what fits anyone’s version of the Sabbat.

Special Thanks to: Shweta "Warrior Princess" Narayan, for arguing me to a standstill about pretty much everything. Bryan "Path of Re-emergence" Rendell, for contributing to my version of the Sabbat without ever knowing it. Joe "Inner Voice" Iglesias, for suggesting a quote.

Chapter Four: Dark Paladins

Although much fewer in number than the Ventrue True Clan, the Ventrue antitribu are more diverse. While Auspex prevents the accidental Embrace of those who could never accept Ventrue antitribu ideals, the antitribu are deliberately far less choosy than their ancestor clan, and so nearly anyone can reasonably be considered for membership in the bloodline.

Warrior Princess
Ventrue Antitribu Character Sheet

Quote: You shall not do that while I stand.

Prelude: You were the eldest daughter of an Indian king. In your youth, you were taught swordplay, some politics, and the scriptures, because you were the oldest child and your father had no son. When you were sixteen, you started learning from a British teacher, who claimed he came in peace and wished only to spread the words of enlightenment. About a year after that, your British teacher drugged and kidnapped you and your two sisters, taking you to the massive army waiting a day or so away.

When you woke, an army captain told you you belonged to England, as all of India soon would. You pretended to faint, and the fools let go of you. You had a British sword in your hand and two guards dead at your feet before they knew what had happened, and they were unable to disarm you. They finally got you to surrender by promising you in their God’s name that if you calmed down and allowed yourself to be held, your sisters would be returned to your father.

When they had you bound, they showed you how lightly they held their words. They did return the children—after raping, killing and mutilating them. This insult forced your father out onto the open field, where he was vastly outnumbered and out-armed. You escaped from the British the next day, only to find that the men of your city had all been killed in battle and the women had taken the only honorable way out—Sati, death by fire. You prepared a fire for yourself, but were interrupted by a man with glowing eyes. He explained that he wasn’t a demon, but an instrument of vengeance, as you could become, if you so chose.

You accepted the Embrace. Your sire explained that the British were conquering India, but not by their own will—the Ventrue clan of the vampires was behind the assault, and his sire was one of the leaders at the forefront. He himself could not act against his sire, who had Blood Bound him, and so he intended to warn the rest of India before the conquest was complete. He charged you to seek out and slay his sire.

As you searched for your grandsire, you waged a private war on your country’s invaders, seeing yourself as an aspect of Kali. Soon after your Embrace, you were severely wounded in a battle and fell into torpor.

You awakened in the 1980s and tracked your grandsire to California, where he had become the leader of a powerful coterie. As you considered how to get him alone and vulnerable, his coterie was jumped by a pack of wild vampires, and you took the opportunity to join the battle and drain your grandsire’s blood. By the time you had finished with him, the battle was over—your unexpected allies had won. One of them came up to you and asked you if you weren’t worried about losing humanity by committing "diablerie" so easily. Realizing he meant drinking your grandsire’s blood, you explained that you were not human, but an aspect of Kali; he looked over at one of the other vampires and nodded to him.

The vampire explained to you that he was part of a society called the Sabbat, which opposed the tyranny of the Ventrue and their Tremere allies. He invited you to learn more about the Sabbat; you accepted and soon chose to join.

Roleplaying Tips: You now see yourself as an aspect of Durga, she who gives people strength in time of need, rather than Kali. You’re a kshatriya (warrior caste) and as such, your duty in the world is to fight and kill, for the Sabbat’s cause. You would never consider Embracing anyone who wasn’t a true warrior. You feed only on those who are weak in spirit.

Equipment: Daggers, occasionally a sword. You normally wear a sari, which lacks pockets, and accordingly don’t have any way to carry much—not that you really want to. You generally sleep in the communal haven, where you and your packmates can guard each other’s backs.

Ventrue Antitribu Character Sheet

Quote: I told you not to do it. You didn’t listen. I’ve been around long enough to know what we can and can’t do without pissing off the bishop. Let’s hit the Rack. I’m hungry.

Prelude: You were always the straight-A student. You always did everything right, and your siblings really didn’t like you because of it. After college, you decided to go to law school on a corporate grant. You did well, but everyone knew you would. Then your life suddenly changed.

Jyhad was raging in the city and you became a recruit for the Sabbat. You were chosen by a Ventrue antitribu because of your education; he might have passed you by, had he had time to get to know you better. You were dragged out of your apartment to the graveyard, Embraced, bashed over the head with a shovel, and buried. You were smart and survived the Jyhad, though your roommate, who was also chosen, was killed. You proved your ability; nonetheless, no one really liked you. Yes, you did your job well, but for some reason no one else would take your advice, which you gave constantly.

Roleplaying Tips: You love to tell others what to do. You are not involved in any of the Ventrue antitribu’s larger goals, although you are loyal to your clan. You can be very annoying, the more so because you’re always right. "I told you so," is one of your favorite phrases to use on people when they screw up and, conversely, you make sure no one’s ever in a position to say it to you. You speak with confidence and often talk over the heads of your fellow pack members. It gives you pleasure to point out their ignorance to them. You feed only on intellectuals.

Equipment: You own a green Chevrolet Berretta and maintain a private apartment as your haven. You sleep with the pack about half the time. You carry no weapons except during Jyhad, when you carry some sort of automatic weapon. You always dress in nice clothes of the latest style

Ventrue Antitribu Character Sheet

Quote: Of course I believe in the Sabbat’s ideals. And what is the main principle of the Sabbat? Freedom. We’re tremendously powerful, we can do whatever we want, and so many of us waste their unlives worrying about things that don’t make a damn bit of difference in the long run. The only logical approach to an existence such as ours is to think of yourself first.

Prelude: Born into the Grimaldi revenant family, you lived what appeared to be a normal, human life on the outside. Several times during your childhood you formed friendships with humans—kine. Each time, the friendship was severed when you were moved to prevent the kine from noticing your slow aging.

Your family raised you to be a town councilor and protect the interests of your family and the Sabbat. You were taught swordplay by an uncle who had spent much of his 300-year life in Europe. You were also taught the fine art of telling people what they wanted to hear. When you were 78 years old (chronologically; physically you were nineteen), you were introduced to a distant cousin who worked as a forensic pathologist, covering up the deaths of humans who were killed by the Sabbat in hard-to-explain ways. As your family had planned, your friendship with her blossomed into romance, and soon you made plans to marry. Then she confided her secret to you—she cared about humans, cringed whenever she filled out another death certificate for a human who died horribly as a Sabbat pack’s toy, and secretly hoped to run away from the Sabbat. You made plans to run away with her, plans which you then revealed to one of the vampires. You smiled and waved as your fiancée was carried away by a szlachta, and the vampire you had spoken to, a young Ventrue antitribu, rewarded your display of loyalty with the Embrace. Since that time, you’ve made yourself a valuable member of your pack. You always keep an eye out for the best angle and look out for your own interests above all else. You are aware that most Ventrue antitribu despise you, but you don’t really care—their concern for honor shows them as fools.

Roleplaying Tips: Make sure whoever you’re talking to believes you’re the same as her. Speak of honor, of devotion to the Sabbat’s goals, of caring for that person, of generally whatever they want to hear. Always remember, though, that the only person who really matters to you is you. You feed only on females below the age of thirty.

Equipment: You don’t keep a separate haven—it might make your pack think you don’t trust them. You normally carry large amounts ofmoney—who’s going to rob you? When wearing your trenchcoat, you carry your uncle’s European longsword, which he didn’t want to give up—such a pity. When wearing a trenchcoat hurts your image, however, you carry a tiny switchblade knife, which fits nicely into a pocket of nearly anything you wear.

Ventrue Antitribu Character Sheet

Quote: I regret the necessity for this. You do not know what you truly serve. After the Camarilla has fallen, we will mourn the young vampires like yourself who could not be extricated from its coils.

Prelude: You were born into a working-class family in London, England. Your mother died when you were young. Your father was a firm believer in corporal punishment; whether his actions qualified as "abuse" depends entirely on the definition used. He did not beat you with his belt, lock you in the cellar, or do any of the other things that come up in case studies and made-for-TV movies—in fact, his actions never even came close to violating the law—however, it was definitely abuse as far as you’re concerned. As soon as you graduated from college (with honors in Psychology), you severed all your ties to him and moved to New York City. You hated it there—the violence, the smog, the generally harsh, selfish attitude of the people. However, one evening, in a bar, you met a very unusual and colorful woman. After talking about politics with her for half the night, she invited you to come home with her. You agreed; your Embrace was relatively gentle, practically unheard of among the Sabbat.

The next night, she sat up with you all night long, explaining that New York City bears such a remarkable resemblance to a war zone because it is a war zone, contested between the forces of freedom and equality in the form of the Sabbat, and the staid, conservative, oppressive Camarilla. While she made it clear that the Sabbat certainly had the moral high ground in its war, she admitted that some of the sect’s members might choose to make it as corrupt as the Camarilla, if they had their wish. You asked her if there were no good people among the Camarilla. You’ve never forgotten her reply: "The Camarilla holds to the delusion that they are still basically human, despite their obviously changed state. As long as they do this, they can never realize what potential for goodness exists among our kind. Some of the young ones might be salvageable, but membership in the Camarilla ultimately dooms all who hold it. The best thing we can do for all vampires—even the ones of the Camarilla, though they will not thank us, at least at first—is to destroy the Camarilla as quickly and efficiently as we possibly can. Besides…there is another reason." She concluded by telling you of the Camarilla’s ultimate masters, the Antediluvians, of their limitless power and mindless, hungry evil, and finally, of the fact that the Sabbat had slain two of them, and thus, they knew the Antediluvians could be defeated.

In the following nights, you learned more about your nature. You quickly understood that you were no longer remotely human, and that your purpose in existence could not be the same as theirs. A year after your Embrace, you killed a Camarilla Malkavian and became a True Sabbat. After that, you traveled and became separated from your sire, winding up in California. Although you still hold great affection for her, you have little contact with your sire.

Roleplaying Tips: You’re a firm believer in vampiric freedom and equality, and while you recognize the flaws in the Sabbat, you consider it far easier to fix than the Camarilla. You feel no guilt about using violence if necessary, but you do not think of yourself as a warrior, nor do you wish to be one. Instead, you serve a vital, but frequently neglected function among the Sabbat: manipulating kine power structures. Using your vampiric powers, you’ve made several influential human friends: one of them in particular, a young Filipina-American politician from the Peace and Freedom party, you’re grooming to eventually become Governor of California. Although you would willingly sacrifice your human friends if necessary for the Sabbat cause, you care deeply for them nonetheless and hope to Embrace them all one day.

Equipment: You wear comfortable clothing, usually jeans and T-shirts, and carry whatever you think might be useful to your pack at the time. You are armed less often than most Sabbat, but in time of Jyhad, you carry a Smith and Wesson M640.

Chapter Five: Champions of Chaos

The Ventrue antitribu have done much to shape the face of the modern Sabbat, and while all vampires are officially considered equally deserving by the members of the bloodline, some few have risen to special notoriety.

Archbishop Strathcona

Embraced into the Camarilla, used as a pawn in the feud between the Scottish Toreador and the English Ventrue, set up as puppet prince of Montreal by his ancestor Mithras, idealistic young Prince Kyle Strathcona grew to loathe his sect. Strathcona brought his city over to the Sabbat in the mid 1700s, and has since ascended to become one of the highest-ranked Sabbat members not Embraced by the sect or originally part of it. His loyalty to the Sabbat is matched only by his former clan’s hatred for him. A distinguished gentleman who wears formal clothing, Strathcona is philosophical and remote. As Archbishop of Montreal, he is informal and charming to most, but quick to anger with those who act contrary to the spirit of the Sabbat.

Vincent Day

As a Knight Templar Embraced before the Anarch Revolution, Vincent Day fought in the Anarch Revolution and helped found the Path of Honorable Accord as a member of the Sabbat. Although he has never formally joined the Inquisition, that group frequently retains his services as an emissary or warrior. He practices a Spartan existence very rare among the Sabbat and regards the Antediluvians and the forces of hell as personal enemies. If the Age of Chivalry is over, Vincent Day would appear not to have noticed.


The vampire who calls herself simply Caitlyn joined the Sabbat as it began; she has never shared the details of her life prior to that with anyone. She has rejected invitations to join both the Inquisition and the Black Hand, ascending to the position of Sabbat priscus over the centuries. She is believed to have followed both the Path of Power and the Inner Voice and the Path of Harmony during her unlife. One of the most powerful and mysterious figures in the modern Sabbat, she is much loved by her clan. She is believed to have greater knowledge of the unusual denizens of the hidden world than any other Sabbat, and to have allies among the shapeshifters, mages—and Inconnu, some whisper.

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My Vampire ^v^

by @1997 Lsbeth

He avoids the daylight
and lives for the night
penetrated my dreams
and now haunts my mind
thoughts of his name
and face in my eyes
an evil lurker
seeking to find
his next victim’s life pulse
will it be mine????

A fantastical figure
his big blue eyes gleem
the coldness inside him
thus can not readily be seen…
making it impossible
to think rationallly
in love with one so evil
oh, can it be???

Outside, so gentle
his reputation romantical
a vampire’s mythical charms
pulled this woman’s body
right into his arms…..

Giving new meaning
to a promise of eternity
but what will his calculating demeanor
end up costing me…..

With his kiss comes to me his curse…
he steals my mortality
my soul no longer my own…
his need burns inside of me
I could never leave now..
and so his curse I’ll welcome
I’d follow him to hell..

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The Seanchai’s Corner – “And there shall come a reckoning…”

by Shaun R. Baggett

Hunters have been within the annals of World of Darkness chronicles since the birth of Vampire the Masquerade in the early 90s. There mortals have often been scoffed at and feared at the same moment. This November heralds the end to the Year of the Reckoning product line and the beginning of a new face in the night.

White Wolf has stated this will not be a Hunter’s Hunted revamping. Something more than that lies within the hardback cover of the new Hunter the Reckoning. As to what is, is anybody’s guess. Working from clues added into this year’s YotR product line, I’ve formulated my own theory on exactly what the Hunters really are.

Guide to the Technocracy spoke briefly of mortals claiming they were possessed by angels that manifested supernatural abilities. Rage Across the Heavens speaks of a new prophecy; the Children of the Wyrm, "marriages of light and darkness." And finally, in October The Ends of an Empire, the destruction of the Shadowlands and the end of the Wraith storyline.

So, you’re reading this and wondering where is the author going with this. Where do these clues point me to?

They direct me to believe that HtR will be a transcendence of Wraith to a new ground. The surviving wraiths of the spirital nuking will have to find new "homes." Special mortals will provide host to them as both residences and tools for enacting their war upon the supernatural community of the WoD. Combined, the host and wraith will present a most dangerous force to deal with.

Reckoning is revenge, and revenge is what I believe the dead shall have.

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True Regret

by Shaun R. Baggett

What do you know of the Night you
stupid, little child?
She doesn’t care for you, and why should She.
For all She is, is bone-chilling cold.

You want to taste "ecstasy" in Blood you damned, impotent fool?
Vile, disease-ridden murk oozing from humanities wounds.
That’s all I can taste.

Is it Immortality you desire you vain, ignorant pest?
Forever and alone, stranded in a dark void.
Eternal Damnation is what it is.

Is this the Beast you wished to become you arrogant, irritating twerp?
No it isn’t. So run child and hide beneath your bed and hope.
Hope that you don’t ever see me again.

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written by: Merci

The lights dim and I close my eyes,
but I can still see past your disguise.
Your face, the face I know so well,
that hides me in your private hell.

Walls so old, and grey, and strong,
have hidden you away for so long.
Lost soul screams with pain,
because you can never go back again.

See my face, I open my eyes,
I surrender myself to your demise.
Your pain is mine,
our fates combine,
And we are forever locked together in this Immortal Coil.

~Merciful Death~

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Azrael’s Legacy

Author: Marco Visconti
Character Diary from #Elysium

It all begun many years ago…

…to many years to remind them all… a mere mortal would call that length of time a aeon… but for the One Above’s (or whoever is the puppeteer behind all of this) sake, I’m no more a mortal, an I’ve been like this for the last 7000 years…

In the days of the Second City I was a scholar, a student of the ways of Saulot, one of the City’s masters: I was his on of most promising students, and one night, the night I turned 27, he gave me the Dark Kiss and Embraced me. And so I entered the realm of eternal night as one of the Salubri, the seventh and last childe of Saulot, and so I became fascinated in what I became and in the myths of my new Kind. And Saulot was a gentle Sire in this, that he always told me whatever I wanted to know.

But there were some things he did not want to tell me… and these things were the tales of his voyages in the Far East, the tales of how he reached the blessed state of Golconda through the teachings of a mythical being called Arhat Xue, but his most well-kept secret was the tale regarding his involvement in the falling of Enoch, the First City. He always told me to observe, and wait, that one day would come when all this mysteries would be disclosed. And that day came: he called for me, and for another of my brothers, Karesh, the mightiest of my kind. And he told us that the time for us to know finally arrived, and in a night I’ll never ever forget he told us about how left for the Land of Nod after the First City fell, and how wandering there he met strange new entities, led by the arhat Xue. And he told us how these beings was similar to us in many ways, but that they learned to fully comprehend their Beast, which they called P’O, by following a kind of code, called Dharma. And he told us that he was initiated by them to these Ways, and that he tamed his Beast by accepting its dark side…

Then he returned from the Land of Nod, bearing with him Golconda, and he found his way to the Second City: and he told us how his heart was full of joy when he saw again his Brothers and Sisters, and also their childer, the Clans…

But then his weary eyes saw how his Clan developed… and he did not see anything he expected: where he was looking for great warriors, he only found a small group of mere healers. And his grief was great, because the Way to Golconda he learned could not be taught to those not accustomed to the ways of the battle.

So he called for Samiel, his firstborn, and commanded him to raise an army, and pure Samiel did as he was told. But Zao-lat (this was his true name, I learned) soon saw how also these Warrior Salubri weren’t ready for his Way: they were too chivalric, pure as the great Kindred that called them together, and for it they did not qualify for the harsh standards required by the Way. But he told us he did not abandon his project, that he found another way, and that we were to trust him. And so we did.

Then terrible times fell upon us: one of Ashur’s childer, Shaitan, organized a rebellion, fueled by the foul Demonic Investments he acquired by selling his soul to the Entities from Beyond… many valorous Kindred met the Final Death in those nights, but in the end, some said thanks to the intervention of Caine himself, Shaitan and his 12 followers were driven out the Second City, and we all returned to our peaceful un-lives… Till the time that my very Sire called for the Council of the City, telling that the Shaitan’s menace was not ended, because the thrice-damned Kindred and his followers were organizing a stronghold in the city of Chorazin. Strife and desperation hit our hearts again, especially when Zao-lat declared in front of the other Antediluvians that he wanted to assault the dreaded Chorazin using his elite Warriors… us.

But we were soldiers, and we were to obey to the orders. So we prepared, and left the Second City, well knowing the horrors we were going to face ahead. We were 13, led by Karesh…

I won’t report here the horrors I witnessed in the four months I lived laying siege to Chorazin: but nothing, nothing of the vile things I’ve been subjected to during those nights could ever equal the sense of oppression I felt when it all ended… when I discovered the truth beyond all, when I finally understood which mean my "beloved" Sire used to spread the word of his Way. He decided to destroy us, his bloodline, his Clan, and replacing us with more promising individuals… Shaitan and his allies, the Shen of Ba’al. Our mission to Chorazin was a suicidal one, because Karesh received the precise order to betray us to the Infernal Masters that ruled the city, so that our Vitae could be used to fuel the new brethren of Zao-lat… the Baali. I still don’t know to this day how I managed to remain unseen and flee, when my great brothers fall one by one… Vekis, Madiel, Javaniel… all gone because of our Sire’s folly.

That day I swore my revenge on Zao-lat, and I’m still waiting to confront him on the battleground when the Final Nights will be upon us. I hunted him across the centuries, silently observing as he used the Baali to fight my Clan, rejoicing when I saw he himself betrayed by the children of the Demons (what a stupid – how could he ever think to fool a Demon), then worrying again when he found new pawns in the crazed mages of House Tremere, especially when I came to know that this time he took direct control of his third bloodline, by letting the mages’ leader to "diablerize" him. Finally, my hate grown to incredible heights when he used the Tremeres to declare a pogrom of my Clan.

As the years passed, I wandered the Earth gathering forces for my revenge, never saying anything about my past life to the allies I managed to gain during my endless voyages: for them, I was Azrael, childe of Veddartha of the Ventrue… the only other Antediluvian who knew the truth on Zao-lat, and the only one to whom I ever spoke about the terrible nights of Chorazin (maybe is this what hides behind the Ventrue’s firm believe in some sort of "Secret Masters" who threaten the very existence of the Kindred?). I searched long for those Kindred of the East that taught my damned Sire about the Way, to take my vengeance upon them also, but someway the roads to Asia has been always impervious to me… is their power so potent?

In those years, I spent the nights from a battlefield to another, always those who were connected someway with the treachery of Zao-lat: the Setites in Egypt, the Baali in Crete, and the many other Infernalists who craved only for personal power without caring about what they were bringing to this already scorched planet. I was among those who battled the demonic Baali in the island of Crete with the other warlords of the Kindred… I fought face to face Nergal himself, and I won… at a great price, however: to definitively destroy him, as Menele and my other allies were conjuring the power of the Earthshaker to sunk the nearby island of Thera, where Nergal was organizing another stronghold, I had to take on myself the weight of the demonic entity the Baali’s leader carried inside him. And I bear that weight to this day.

But one night I grow weary of the fighting, I grow tired of what I became… the "Angel of Death" of many myths and lores of the Kine. And it was in one of those nights that I was approached by a Kindred of extreme power, who called himself "Del-Roh"… she told me she was the leader of a sect I only heard whispered of, a sect called Tal’Mahe’Ra: she told me what their goals were, and she also invited me to join them. I thought about it long, and then I accepted: the year was the 475 B.C.

Among the Tal’Mahe’Ra I learned many secrets, and I greatly augmented my knowledge on the Kindred and the other Awakened… I was among those who pressed to start the Shadow Crusade against the Souleaters and Vicissitude, that, I came to know, just another Demonic manifestation – much like the Entity I keep deep inside myself. I also oversaw the creation of both the Sabbat and the Camarilla, and constantly schemed against the Tremeres, waiting for the day I will confront again Zao-lat/Tremere… the day of Gehenna.

Gehenna… this has been my hidden agenda thorough the millennia… to bring forth the Final Nights, so that I could avenge my lost brothers with the cursed Vitae of my Father. I know many things about the Final Nights… about the thirteen places of power that will see the ending slaughter… Rome, Constantinople, Stonehenge, Tara, Mecca, Uluru, Petra, Tenochtithlan, Poname, Tunguska, Haiti, San Francisco and one more still hidden… but these truths are yet best kept hidden.

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LARP Q&A with Justin Achilli

by Justin R. Achilli

Q. Within the rules of MET there exists the option of using someone’s negative traits against (If known) them in a test. While this normally isn’t a problem of fairness as one must find out those negative traits through play, in the case of clan specific automatic negative traits (I.E. The Brujah getting the violent negative trait) it seems a bit unfair that because everyone knows the clan in question possesses that negative trait that they can use it constantly against them. What are your suggestions (If any) regarding this in maintaining game fairness?
A. These must be role-played. They should be guessed in challenges. If you are wrong then you are wrong If you are right then you can exploit that weakness in the individual forever after.

Q. How much blood is required to maintain an average ghoul’s (Human) ghouldom? Does a "maintaining" feeding require an entire blood trait, or is a sip enough, and if so how many ‘sips’ would make up a blood trait? How much for animal ghouls?
A. It takes a full blood trait once a month in both cases.

Q. If a vampire attacks using his fangs, what manner of attack would this fall under, brawl or melee? Does it require a grab maneuver first before a bite can take place? Also, does a successful hit using fangs do a point of aggravated damage as it does in table top and would the extra damage of the higher levels of potence be added into this?
A. Brawl

Q. In the last Mind’s Eye Theatre FAQ section it was stated that there is a difference between Old Clan Tzimisce and Tzimisce antitribu, I had thought that non-Sabbat Tzimisce weren’t called antitribu, but rather Old Clan Tzimisce as stated in The Players Guide to the Sabbat 2nd edition book. Lasombra antitribu are either Camarilla or Independent, why would this be any different for Tzimisce of the Camarilla (As rare as they are) or Independents in what they would be called?
A. Different clans different standards. In the case of Tzimisce:

Sabbat Tzimisce
Camarilla Tzimisce Antitribu
Autarkis Tzimisce
Separate Bloodline Old Clan Tzimisce

Q. I know this is a silly question but, why are non-Sabbat Lasombra (And Tzimisce if it is the case) called antitribu at all? Originally both clans were non-Sabbat before the coming of the Sabbat and Camarilla sects. Shouldn’t those who ‘went against the clan’ (In this case the Tzimisce and Lasombra Anarchs) be more appropriately called antitribu? Those of the 7 ‘Camarilla clan’s who are members of the Sabbat are called antitribu (I.E. Ventrue antitribu), what are your thoughts on this?
A. It comes down to where the elders are. The Lasombra 4th Gens (and third in the case of Gratiano) belong to the Sabbat (except for Montano). The glut of Lasombra (ballpark figure of 99%) belong to the sabbat. Same goes for Tzimisce.

Q. Why do Diablerie black veins last longer in a diabolist’s aura in MET than in Table Top (2nd Edition) rules?
A. The rules differ for different circumstances

Q. Does the folks at WW
MET have any plans for putting out rules for LARP playability for the Blood Brothers, Baali, Salubri antitribu, or Harbinger of Skulls?
A. We have announced plans for MET Camarilla and Sabbat guides respectively. Any more I cannot say.

Q. Now with the release of Vampire:The Masquerade 3rd Edition, which has made some changes in various regards to the vampire world and make up(I.E. Sabbat no longer having Paths, Assamites losing the Curses,the various "sub-bloodlines" of the clans that allow for different In-Clan Disciplines, etc), does MET have any plans to put out changes or adaptations in rules to account for these changes and incorporate them into MET playability?
A. Laws of the Night Revised Edition comes out in November of this year.

Q. I have noted a great amount of misuse and misunderstandings concerning the (mis)uses of Influences. Are there any plans to update the usage’s of the various Influences as well as explaining them in more practical terms?
A. Yes, see above.

Q. Why are some of the Disciplines varying in power and original form from that of those as they were presented in Table Top Rules? Additionally, will there be updates released on the changes seen from the established MET Disciplines, and those changes made to the Discipline updates of VtM 3rd Edition? (I.E. New powers included and substituted in the Quietus, Obtenebration- The adding of Dementia to the Camarilla Malkavian’s Clan Disciplines.)
A. See above.

Q. Why in the FAQ’s in the back of the Laws of Elysium, does it state that when two Majesty users come into contact, the one with the lower generation automatically beats the other Majesty user? The Presence Discipline description, unlike Dominate, clearly states Presence uses are not affected by Generation.
A. In MET they are for balance in play.

Q. Does MET have any plans to release any source material giving a more thorough overview of the various vampiric stations (Prince, Primogen, Sheriff, Keeper of Elysium, etc) , what they entail, and what is truly expected of one in that position?
A. This is already dealt with in the Camarilla Players Guide for Tabletop (an excellent source for setting material of any LARP) but we should be including such information as to how to use these in a tabletop setting in the upcoming MET Camarilla Guide.

Q. Exactly how many Blood Traits can a vampire spend and use in a single turn? Beyond the benefit of lower generation vampires receiving more Blood Traits, does this as well allow them to spend more blood traits than higher generations in a single round like table top?
A. Goes by generation.

Q. Is it easier for a regnant to Dominate or affect with Presence, vampire’s who are in thrall to the them like in Table Top? If so, how does one work this in determining the difficulty lessening by MET rules?
A. Yes

Q. When using Summoning, how well must the Summoner know the victim, as the wording does not make it readily clear? Is you just knowing them, but them not knowing you, enough? (Known from fame, a picture, visually seeing them, etc.
A. In general you need to have talked to them, ask your Storyteller.

Q. In what category would throwing a melee weapon fall into? Melee or Firearms?
A. Missile.

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Humanity and Golconda – One Storyteller’s Perspective

by Millie Summer

Greetings Submissions Gurus,
Cool issue, and I am not just saying that because I got stuff in this one. <giggle> For my next trick, I will stay away from sappy/morose poetry (as I have already bothered you with such <smile>) and perhaps share my method of judging Humanity/Golconda in games that I storytell. I ran one game for over 3 real time years, and no one yet achieved Golconda in any of them, so I think I was being relatively reserved while still utilizing believable notions of Humanity/Golconda. My methods were as follows, and are not *necessarily* an endorsement of any particular religion or philosophy, nor am I trying to spread any unwanted visions, as hardly any players ever really care about it anyway. <grin>

It is rather simple, really, and some may already use this method. Also, this system makes it possible to achieve Golconda without having a 10 humanity, as it says you can have a 7 in the book. (Possible, but not easy <smile>).

Certain segments of the population will find it all very familiar…. :)

I base humanity in games I Storytell on the Seven Deadly Sins and the seven opposing Heavenly Virtues, leaving out but not ruling out the ‘God’ aspects. The Deadly Sins work well with the humanity checks in the VtM book, and I make a humanity check when a ‘deadly sin’ is committed, and if the character has a high enough humanity to warrant it. If someone does a great act pertaining to a Heavenly Virtue, I might give them a humanity point, or an appropriate virtue point (conscience, self-control, or courage). This kind of award is rare nigh to non-existent in my games. Call me a harsh father (mother?) confessor. <evil grin> Here is just a little personal guide gleaned from internet sources:

Deadly Sin / Heavenly Virtue – Brief description

Pride / Humility – Seeing ourselves as we are and not comparing ourselves to others is humility. Pride and vanity are competitive. If someone else’s pride really bothers you, you have a lot of pride.

Avarice or Greed / Generosity – This is about more than money. Generosity means letting others get the credit or praise. It is giving without having expectations of the other person. Greed wants to get its "fair share" or a bit more.

Envy / Love – "Love is patient, love is kind…" Love actively seeks the good of others for their sake. Envy resents the good others receive or even might receive. Envy is almost indistinguishable from pride at times.

Wrath or Anger / Kindness – Kindness means taking the tender approach, with patience and compassion. Anger is often our first reaction to the problems of others. Impatience with the faults of others is related to this.

Lust / Self-control – Self control and self mastery prevent pleasure from killing the soul by suffocation. Legitimate pleasures are controlled in the same way an athlete’s muscles are: for maximum efficiency without damage. Lust is the self-destructive drive for pleasure out of proportion to its worth. Sex, power, or image can be used well, but they tend to go out of control.

Gluttony / Faith and Temperance – Faith trusts in others and oneself, and does not hoard against the more needy. This does not pertain only to food, but to entertainment and other legitimate goods, and even the company of others.

Sloth / Zeal – Zeal is the energetic response of the heart. The other sins work together to deaden the spiritual senses so we first become slow to respond and then drift completely into the sleep of complacency.

There is a pretty deadly sin page <grin> at :   Ah.. cool domain name. <sigh>

Are we totally overwhelmed yet? Heh. That is roughly what I used for humanity/virtue judgments. Of course, I use much intuitive thought, exceptions and judgment calls, but I find this template to be comprehensible to myself as well as to others if they are trying to understand The Way. <sly smile>

Now… for Golconda. I found…. (and it is hard to say… for it sounds too lofty…) a lovely template for Golconda. Ya, I know, I know, sounds cheesy, and even I have not achieved the Golconda that I set aside for players, and they would practically have to achieve it in Real Life before they could comprehend it well enough to play it, and then they would have to enlighten me. <grin> But, my definition of Golconda is Nirvana… or Zen. It seems indeed to be perfection, and oneness, and even a Vampire could live with themselves if they were able to see the way. I am sure many know them, but here are the Four Noble Truth, as laid out by the Buddha:

Life is suffering.

The origin of suffering is egoistic craving and attachment.

There is a way to the cessation of suffering.

This Way is the Eightfold Path:
Right Understanding;
Right Thinking;
Right Speech;
Right Attitude;
Right Livelihood;
Right Effort;
Right Mindfulness;
Right Concentration.

These words make many angry, of course. Take them as you will. :) Here is a web page with a more detailed explanation:

So, enlightenment (Golconda) can be had with less than a 10 humanity, but not likely. Of course, Golconda is merely a legend in any chronicle I run. :)

Well, I hope that some may find this worth while. It is hard, with all of the action and in your face suffering in the WoD, to focus on Personal Horror and the like, but I needed a template to keep my perspective on what Sin and Salvation could be in Vampire.

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