
by WwTalikwW@aol.com


Hello again, and thank you all for coming. Once again I have called this meeting to discuss a matter of utmost importance.


I didn’t do it.


  Every time you call one of these meetings I end up looking more and more like one of the Beasts from "Where the Wild Things are." I swear to god if……


  ::silently hands back Ventrue’s wallet::


::coughs and accepts the wallet:: No. It has come to my attention that..::stops and looks at Brujah:: You didn’t do what?


  Uh…nothing at all. Go on.


It has come to my attention that some of our children are unhappy with their unlife, and have asked if there is anything they can do to rescind their "curse". Ladies and Gentleman…I give you the answer.


Kill them for the insult of calling such an honor a curse?


Banish them to the darkest pits of the mind?


Force them to watch the 24 hour FULL HOUSE marathon?




UNGH!! ::stands up in his chair doing the "Tush Push":: My Golconda don’t want none unless she’s got buns hun! Malky got  BACK!


He sssaid GOLCONDA you fffool. Not Anaconda! ::pulls him to his seat:: Now ssssit.


Sssorry. Sssso Ssssorry. Perphapsss we can ssshare a Zima? Zzomezing Difffferzent?


And what, pray tell, is "Golconda"?


Golconda is a path of kindess and purity that can be followed in order to help humanity and eventually, if followed to the letter, restore to you….life.


::Followed by most of the room erupting in loud laughter::


  What kind of bujo is this??


Ahhh, how poetic, the struggle of man against his inner beasts.


You have to be kidding.


Who would SEEK this?


<quietly> Tell me more.


  Who let the chick with the lobotomy scar in? JESUS..we HAVE to get screen doors for this place.


ORDER. Golconda is not an easy task, nor one that is often, or if ever achieved. Only through sheer willpower and control can you ever reach it.


Brujah’s chances have just been lowered to nil then.


  Keep it up freaky and your chances of makin’ it through this meeting are gunna be nil.


::smiles sweetly:: Care to be beside yourself? Literally?


Knock it off…..Any questions?


What was Ravnos doing to the stereo in your car? I mean he had wire clippers and..::looks around:: BUTTERFLIES!! LOOK AT ALL THE   BUTTERFLIES!!


  ::rubs his temple and smiles at Ventrue:: Malkavians, they are crazy, yes Kestra?


Is there another way of achieving this goal? Magic perhaps?


::looks from Ravnos to Tremere:: No. Only through…as cliche as this sounds. Only through purity of mind, body and spirit can it be achieved.


::wipes a tear:: How…profoundly exquisite. Only through  conquering yourself, can you truly be free.


::quietly:: This coming from someone who "conquers" herself on a nightly basis with machinery that would scare construction workers, but somehow always has "a headache".

::long pause of silence::


Anyone else?


I can’t believe that anyone would waste their unlife scraping on their hands and knees helping the FOOD.


Thissss patthhh you sssspeak offff. Many ffffall to temptation. Yessss?


Sssssusie Ssssellssss sssssea ssssshellsssss by the sssssea sssshore.


::nods, ignoring Malk:: Yes.
And no matter how far towards your goal you climb..if you fall…you must begin again.


The fruitless eternal struggle for true inner peace..how..


Delightfully twisted.


::quietly:: We shall unlock the secrets…and share them. For a  price of course.


  Ten pints says it was the Torrie childer whining. You’ll never hear a BRUJAH walking around crying about wanting to live again.


::coughs Troile coughs:: Sorry, had a true clan name in my throat.


No, you rabble are too busy fighting and causing trouble to worry about anything like life, the soul, ::quietly:: Calling a girl the next night. ::stifles a sob and looks away::


  ::winks to a paling Gio:: Yup. I scare construction workers…


AHEM…final thoughts?


I still say we kill the weak ones who complain of such things.


It’s a complete waste, but it will be fun to watch others try and fail.


Yesssss. It will be ffffun.


Thee you on the theee thaaaw Thet.


I’m..g-gunna…kill him.


::laughs:: Yeah.. like I’m the only one who’s dabbled in yer pasta  Guido.


::tugs at his shirt collar and looks away from Gio:: Uh..w-well then meeting adjourned…

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